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How Hand Wash Absolutely Annihilates the Coronavirus

garretjacob - el lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020 10:17

During this pandemic, you may have heard this hundred of times that the only way to stop the coronavirus spread is by maintaining social distance and keeping body and hands sanitized. Many medical experts have also advised cleaning for at least 20 seconds with soap to kill the germs. But why? What is the purpose of using soap and not only water to rinse the hands? And why is 20 seconds is the duration and not less than that?

Well, it is because the soap works as an annihilator against the virus. It can be any regular soap having two molecules. One that is attracted towards water and the other one is attracted towards fats. Conversely, the making of the soap is entirely by a coating of proteins and fats. When the virus interacts with the soap, the proteins present inside bursts. This enables the soap chemicals to break the virus?s coat which later dissolves in the water. Furthermore, there is no denying that this whole process takes 20 seconds precisely to be effective.

However, ever since it was viral that soaps can slow the coronavirus spread, there is a frenzy. People are buying all kinds of handwashing soaps and gels to protect themselves. Yet, there is an argument about whether sanitizers are better to use or soaps. Let's explore it.

What?s Better: Sanitizers or Soaps?

Sanitizers are the modern-day, or you can say the upgraded version of bar soap. Today, individuals are keener to sanitizers so that they don't have to walk up to the sink 5-6 times a day to wash their hands. Moreover, some of the news channels have also reported that the supermarts have been running short on the sanitizer stock as people are stocking them up in their homes.

However, researchers explain that in this outbreak, handwashing with soaps is far more effective than cleaning with a sanitizer. This is because the soap when combined with clean water, creates a foam that not only kills the virus but also protects you from contracting germs for longer. It is only recommended to use a hand gel in situations when you are away from water, and sink and desperately need to clean hands. This is why, if you are using a hand sanitizer, there must be minimum 60% of alcohol mixed in the cleanser to ensure there are no germs left after each use.

You must be wondering what makes a soap that when used is washed away better than a sanitizer that stays on your skin for hours. Keep reading to know more about it.
First Up ? What is Soap and How it Destroys Viruses?

Soap is nothing but a molecule of dual nature in which one side repels the water while the other side repels proteins and fats. For instance, consider a bowl of water and mix some oil in it. You will see the water and oil will not blend. But when you mix some soap in the same solution, the oil will disperse. This happens due to one nature of soap that is attracted towards the fats and later tears it up and mixes it with the water; being a water-soluble. Similarly, the COVID-19 germs are just like the oil that we can wash away just by using soaps.

It comes in different shapes, sizes, scents and sometimes separate for both men and women. The purpose of washing hands with soap is to drain the germs but not damage your skin. Furthermore, all the ingredients used are chemically constructed to make it more effective.

Now that you know the reasons behind bar soaps more efficient than the sanitizers, take a minute to read how to wash your hands properly.

Step by Step Process of Handwashing

In this pandemic, handwashing has become vital to keep you healthy and away from exposing yourself to the germs. These five steps can help you each time.

1. Wet

Open tap water and make sure it is clean before you use it. Rinse both your hands together; the temperature can either be warm or cold.

2. Apply Soap

After your hands are completely wet, apply soap to every part of your finger from palms to fingernails.

3. Scrub

Set a timer or keep in mind that you need to wash your hands past 20 seconds to kill all the germs.

4. Rinse

After scrubbing your hands with soap, use clean water to rinse it. Ensure that no foam is left behind because it may become a reason for germs to stay.

5. Dry

Use a fresh piece of cloth to dry your hands. Note that it is important because the germs can easily transmit from a wet surface to other things.
Besides this, people have other questions related to washing hands, below you can get all the answers.

When Is The Right Time To Wash Hands?

Following are the few instances when you need to ensure that your hands are clean to prevent the virus from spreading.

? After using the restroom.
? Before and after eating and cooking food.
? Before and after taking care of someone who has flu or symptoms of the coronavirus disease.
? Before and after meeting children who have just used the toilet.
? Before and after treating a wound.
? After touching animals or your pets.
? After coughing, blowing your nose or sneezing.
? After taking the garbage outside.
? Before and after using electronic devices like mobile phones, laptops, computer etc.

If you can think about anything else, inform the expert coursework writing services about them so that they can spread the word.

When are sanitizers not effective?

Well, you cannot use sanitizers at all time. Health experts have advised to use them only when you have no access to water or soap. Moreover, if you are using a hand gel, it must contain at least 60% of alcohol to get rid of the germs.

However, sanitizers do not kill all types of germs. You may feel that your hands become rough or greasy just after applying the gel. Thus, it is essential to use soaps instead of sanitizers for proper cleansing of your hands.

Life Is Better With Clean Hands

As the outbreak has confined you to stay inside and practice self-isolation, now is the best time to look after yourself more than ever. The respiratory diseases like the novel coronavirus get inside your body via hands. When you touch the infected place and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes, that?s where you start developing the symptoms. Here, your hands act as a primary driver to contract and transmit the disease. Therefore, stay clean and wash your hands frequently.

If you or someone you know has minor flu ? cough or sneeze, get it checked immediately. Moreover, avoid large gatherings and handshakes with people. Follow the preventive measures said by the government and the experts, this is the least you could do to lessen the spread. Remember, we are in this together and together we can fight back this disease despite the situations we are in today.



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