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Rural ClimAccelerator Iberian

Rural ClimAccelerator Iberian

Hasta el martes, 15 de octubre de 2024 a las 12:00



Publicado el domingo, 01 de septiembre de 2024 a las 13:03

OPEN CALL for Climate Start-Ups!

Once again, Innobound have teamed up with EIT Climate-KIC to deliver Rural ClimAccelerator Iberian Program. This time with a broader scope, Iberian Peninsula.

We are looking for changemakers and innovators in Spain and Portugal, who can contribute to a more sustainable and connected Rural Areas.

The Rural ClimAccelerator Iberian is dedicated to tackling the urgent issue of climate change by advancing innovative, impact-driven solutions in rural areas.  

  • Our mission is to act as a catalyst for transformative change in European rural areas by nurturing and supporting the growth of cutting-edge climate tech innovative solutions that can significantly impact green transition challenges.  
  • Our vision empowers impact driven innovations towards stronger, interconnected, resilient, and prosperous rural areas and communities. 

18 Startups | 26 Weeks | 4 Topics
Why Rural Spain ClimAccelerator?

Rural areas within Europe are fundamental to our way of life. However, their vulnerabilities have been exacerbated during the last few years.Rural areas have issues related to twin transitions in infrastructure, mobility, and connectivity services. Nevertheless, rural communities can potentially turn these vulnerabilities into opportunities through innovation.

We firmly believe that innovations and technology can address environmental challenges, secure these areas' future, and turn them into testing spaces.

Our ClimAccelerator program is committed to providing actionable information, helping form the baseline for effective European adaptation strategies to support the green transition, enabling the EU to become carbon neutral by 2050, and supporting the Green Deal.

Our Thematic areas
Service of nature: focused on valorization and sustainable management of natural resources. 
    • Sustainable and regenerative land use
    • Preserving and restoring biodiversity
    • Preserving and restoring ecosystem services 
    • Nature Carbon Capture
    • Resource management footprint indicators - BioindicatorS.
🍃 Rural Connectivity promoting widespread digital literacy
    • Access to emerging technologies 
    • Opportunities to acquire advanced digital skills. 
    • Digitalization as a tool for the evolution of rural areas.
    • Rural areas such as Smart City Pilots, sandbox, living labs, tech testing areas
🍃 Rural as a Service: focused on the valorization of products and services provided by rural areas  
    • Bio-based materials and bio solutions for goods and services
    • Community-based high-quality products
    • Energetic communities
    • From farm-to-fork solutions
    • Valorization of Rural Goods and Services byproducts.
🍃Wellbeing and growth Unlocking rural areas' potential for wellbeing and harmonious growth
    • Biophilic design, biomimicry, and naturalization
    • Valorization of the cultural heritage for tourist attractiveness
    • Attractive spaces developed in harmonious territorial development
    • Enhancing the quality of indoor and outdoor environments
    • Rural innovative village
Our commitment is to provide your team with the best possible support, helping you navigate the challenges of your entrepreneurial journey, reduce risks, and increase opportunities for success.
We offer a custom hands-on program to help you succeed!

Building an impact-driven start-up requires a combination of different skills and competencies: refining your Climatech solution, developing a Minimum Viable Product, validating your business model, designing a strategic scaleup plan, and generating considerable impact in modern society.

Are you a Change-Maker?
📢 Apply by 15 Oct 2024 ➡️ https://www.f6s.com/rural-climacelerator-iberian/apply 
📢 More info https://innobound.eu/rural-climaccelerator-iberian 


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