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Sustainable Cities Mobility Challenge for European

Convocatoria movilidad sostenible EIT 2024

Each selected city project will receive up to 90,000 eur

Hasta el viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2023 a las 23:00

EIT Climate-KIC is running a Sustainable Cities Mobility Challenge for European cities to identify bold and impactful projects which seek to decarbonise transport, improve local air quality and accelerate the take-up of active, shared, collective and/or electric mobility. The call aims to support the transition to cleaner, greener, and more people-centred transport, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, Urban Mobility Framework, New European Bauhaus, and the EU Cities Mission.

Who can apply?

Cities and towns (with a population of at least 25.000) in the EU Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries1 (including the United Kingdom) and Switzerland are eligible to apply.

Projects will be selected based on the potential for impact, learning, and replicability in other towns and cities. They should seek to make a positive difference to people and the environment in the area where they are implemented, adding to the body of knowledge and experience to shift cities more rapidly towards more sustainable transport systems.

Each city project selected will be granted up to 90,000 EUR (depending on the total number of proposals selected in the call. A maximum of five projects will be funded).

Proposals can be centred around new ideas or initiatives – or can relate to elements of existing or emerging city programmes/strategies that advance sustainable urban mobility. Cities should aim to complete their projects by July 2025.We invite cities to submit a short project proposal (max. 2,000 words) outlining the mobility problem or challenge they would like to tackle, and their proposed action to address this.

Call opens: closes Friday, 24 November 2023 23.00 CET 

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