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Baum Centro de Negocios

Baum Centro de Negocios

Publicado el jueves, 07 de enero de 2021 a las 10:32

We invite you next day 📆 Thursday January 21 from 9 am, to know our facilities, perfect for SMEs and freelancers. Fixed or hourly offices, ideal for teleworking.

You will see only private offices, we are not coworking, with all the security measures and the most advanced technology. We offer hourly packs in offices and for fixed contracts, they are offered, without permanence clause.

Doors open from 9 am to 6 pm, come and the administrative staff will give you a personalized tour, with an interior design thought in soft colors, where you will see the intelligent system of office openings and printing, touch screen, in the training room, coffee area and the visitor's room, with the best view of the city center.

It is the only business center in Valencia, which offers the possibility of having a storage room and if that is not enough, within BAUM, our accounting consultancy, Gestorea Valencia, works. Optionally you can have your accountant advisor, just by knocking on the door, ideal for, entrepreneurs and startups.
If you need a private workspace, equipped and secure, perfect for your business, you have an ideal opportunity. We have an Anticovid clause. Come and meet the most professional and inspiring office spaces and meeting rooms in Valencia. With the best location, as is the Colon Street.

We are constantly networking, where you will meet professionals in your area, with very interesting training, where for example, we schedule classes of any language, so that your professional level in conversation, can continue to improve. We offer meeting rooms prepared with all the technical advances, so you can make presentations OnLine and with the platform of your preference.

Come we show you in person, you can come accompanied, you will be delighted by the facilities and the treatment of the staff. We are in the street Colon 4, 3rd floor, cp. 46004 - Valencia, tlf 963115903.
All the services you need for the development of your business are available at Baum.
. Why settle for little when you can have it all?



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