
Branding Valencia

How to change the image of a beautiful city

Publicado por artespana
lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020 a las 17:35

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Port Suplaya

Port Suplaya

Valencia is probably one of the most underutilized brands in the world. Known for SorollaorangesbeachesFallasbicyclesshoeswines and , paella, horchata, socarrats and tiles in general amongst other things, it is poorly represented to tourists and foreigners. It is hard to find a city in the world that can be associated with that many brands, unique and easily recognizable and strongly connected to the capital of Turia. 

Yet, our tourist market is very undeveloped. It is ruled by numerous cheap Chinese imports and couple of Spanish mass producers that make generic souvenirs only changing the names of the cities. No serious efforts have been even made to address this issues, and numerous advertising campaigns organized by the City Council were usually looking into the wrong places.

Artespana is a unique design and printing company with an aim to change this through print media. On our site https://artespana.es you can find over 200 different designs that are branding Valencia and there is more to follow.

The highlight of our offer is reproductions of famous Sorolla paintings, made in Valencia for the first time. We hope that in the future, instead of faceless New York and Paris posters, all made in China, tourists will be greeted by the warmth of Sorolla´s canvases in their rooms, restaurants, hotels.

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