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ADBioplastics attends the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin as an exhibitor with BASF and NatureWorks

ADBioplastics será expositor en la European Bioplastics Conference en Berlín

This congress is consolidated as the leading business platform to boost the global bioplastics industry.



Publicado el lunes, 02 de diciembre de 2019 a las 17:04

After the success of the last edition, this congress is consolidated as the leading business platform to boost the global bioplastics industry.

The debate on the future of bioplastics starts this Tuesday in Berlin (Germany) and ADBioplastics will not miss the appointment. This is the 14th edition of the European Bioplastics Conference, organized by European Bioplastics Association, which will take place on December 3 and 4 at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel in the German capital. As exhibitors of the leading business platform to boost the global bioplastics industry, ADBioplastics will share space with BASF, the leading multinational in the chemical industry, NatureWorks, North American manufacturer of PLA, Novamont or ITENE, among others. At the head of the startup stand will be the entire technical department, José Ángel Ramos, CTO, and Iván Navarro, Project Manager, both PhDs in materials and polymers, as well as the CEO of the startup, José Manuel Suárez.

With all the EU regulations for 2030, the intense debate about the future of traditional plastics has opened up many opportunities for bioplastics. That is precisely where the biobased and compostable PLA-Premium product is framed, which manufactures custom ADBioplastics, to promote the circular economy. This startup focuses on three sectors: food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals by extrusion-thermoforming, injection, and injection blowing techniques.

Speakers in the European Bioplastics

During these two days, this Congress will host keynote speakers. Werner Bosmans, DG Environment of the European Commission, will talk about European politics and bioplastics in the circular economy; Clément Affholder, Innovation Manager of VAUDE, will address bioplastics from the perspective of a brand owner and Carmen Arndt, Project Coordinator at IfBB, who will focus on the challenges of bioplastics in marine biodegradability. This event will serve to address the main challenges facing the planet: manufacturers, brands, policymakers, institutions, and NGOs.

In the last edition, the 13th European Bioplastics Conference, there was an attendance record with a total of 420 participants from 255 companies and 45 different countries. All of them could catch up with the latest trends and developments in the bioplastics industry throughout the value chain. Come visit us at our stand. We will wait for you!

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