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Pan-European hackathon to develop innovative solutions to the Coronavirus


Comienzo: el viernes, 24 de abril de 2020 a las 10:00
Finaliza: el domingo, 26 de abril de 2020 a las 15:00


European commission

Rue de la Loi, 170


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Más información e inscripciones

The European Commission, in close collaboration with EU member states, will organize a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus related challenges. EUvs Hackathon virus euvsvirus.org is an online hackathon across Europe organized by the most connected and connected national actors across Europe. It builds on national hackathons already built to allow for the quick execution of brilliant solutions.

The #EUvsVirus is a call to action for everyone to participate in the fight against COVID-19: Show unity and share your abilities for the common good across borders and generations! Let's digitally open the borders of the EU during this collective challenge!


The European Commission, in close collaboration with all Member States and associated partner countries of H2020, will monitor the best projects coming from the EUvsVirus hackathon through the new Covid platform of the European Innovation Council (EIC). Foundations, investors, healthcare providers (eg Hospitals) will also be part of the EIC Covid platform.

Social impact Boost a meaningful project and help your family, friends, neighbors and all EU countries to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

International recognition Be part of the solution and be recognized throughout the European Commission, the European Parliament and all associated networks.

How can you help?

As a problem solver We welcome developers, designers, creative minds, and all problem solvers with backgrounds in health, business, social and political cohesion, education, digital finance, as well as other areas, and ideally hackathon experience.

As a mentor We are looking for experts in the areas of health, business, social and political cohesion, education, digital finance and other areas that support problem solvers with their internal vision and expertise. Also, we need team coordinators to organize and coordinate teams during the hackathon.

As a partner We appreciate all the actors who want to make their unique contribution to the hackathon: companies, universities, public and private organizations, and networks.

Now is your chance to help fight the coronavirus!  

When? April 24, 25 and 26

3.638 visitas

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