
Watify. New digital skills for entrepreneurship


Supported by the European Commission

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 29 de julio de 2014 a las 11:26

Watify is a non for profit initiative supported by the European Commission based on several sessions of serial entrepreneurs explaining how they have overcome their doubts while starting or digitizing their own business.

The Watify project aims to increase the number of people starting their own business, or digitising business by helping them to overcome the barriers traditionally preventing them.

Business Creators & Serial Entrepreneurs explain in a series of interviews how they overcame their doubts and made their businesses even more successful by digitizing them. The platform will help you get over the barriers which prevent you from starting your own business or digitizing it. How? By removing any doubts you may have and spurring you into action.

On the Watify platform, you will find answers to your questions.

* Would you like to start your own business? Get inspired and find answers to your doubts by visiting the WatifyStart page.

* Are you exploring ways to digitize your business? Visit the WatifyTransform page to get inspired by entrepreneurs who have used novel technologies to transform their business.

* Want to get involved? Attend an event or organize your own Watify event.

* Would you like to share your doubts and find the answers? Visit the doubt section.

More information Watifi Facebook

Fuente original del contenido:

European Comission  

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