Spain Tech Center
Silicon Valley, San Francisco
Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 01 de julio de 2014 a las 19:16
The Spain Tech Center is an initiative sponsored by Fundación Banesto, Icex (a division of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and (a division of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism), to facilitate the landing and commercial implementation of Spanish technology companies in the North American market.
Companies in The Spain Tech Center have access to specialized resources designed to assist with their launch into the American market. This includes initial business development assistance, access to a preferred network of service providers, and business model consulting services.
Upon arrival in the U.S. each company begins the second portion of the program. This portion lasts between six and twelve months, which allows the Spanish companies to test, promote and implement their business plans in one of the most competitive regions of the world, Silicon Valley.
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Fuente original del contenido:
01/07/2014 19:16 | LauraSL