
Bringing research to the market: ERC funds 59 innovative projects

Publicado el martes, 28 de abril de 2015

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A simple blood test to diagnose breast cancer, a forensic device to trace the origin of tropical timber, and artificial veins inspired by marine sponges; these are some of the inventions to be developed by 59 outstanding researchers selected in the latest round of 'Proof of Concept' Grants from the European Research Council (ERC).

Worth up to €150,000 per grant, 'Proof of Concept' funding helps ERC grant holders to bridge the gap between their existing frontier research and its commercial applications. This top-up funding will enable the scientists to cover costs of technical validation, create a startup to explore business opportunities, or establish intellectual property rights, for example.

EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Carlos Moedas said: "Europe has plenty of world-class research, but not enough of it reaches the marketable product stage as commercialised, pioneering goods and services. The Proof of Concept grants will enable some of our top research to compete with the best innovations out there. This will help improve our ability to bring innovations to market, boost competitiveness and create the jobs and growth needed in Europe."

vía: European Research Council - European Commission

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